You have to understand your business today…

Revisiting Business Strategy

Does my current business strategy align with my long-term growth goals?

Can my plan be adjusted to match the current landscape?

What trends in the market today impact those decisions? 

Revenue Generators

Have I broken down my profitability by service offerings and product lines?

Monitor Spending

Do I know in what areas I am over and under budget?  

How often do I compare my actual spending to my budget? 

Cash Flow Analysis

Does my current cash flow forecast allow me to fund operations and expand my business for the next 12 months? 

Operational Efficiency

Am I allocating business resources appropriately?

What technologies am I leveraging to increase operational efficiency?

Financial Components

What financial ratios do I need to look at in order to best evaluate the financial strength of my business?

Have I conducted a break-even analysis? 

Management Compensation

Do I have the right key employees to grow my business and how do I keep them motivated?


When was the last time I compared my business metrics to industry averages? 

…in order to grow tomorrow

Product Expansion

Have I done an analysis of the costs associated with starting a new product or service line?  

Market Expansion

Do I have the business capital to expand into new markets and will it be sustainable?

How do I effectively penetrate new markets?

Does my plan account for the costs of marketing and business development?

Employee Incentive Plans

Who are my key employees and how can I motivate them to grow revenues while containing costs? 

Joint Ventures

What are the economic pros and cons of entering into a joint venture to increase my capabilities?  

Mergers & Acquisitions

How can I best navigate mergers and acquisitions? 


When and why should I get a valuation on my business? 

Sources of Funding

Equity or debt financing, which is right for my company at its current stage in the business lifecycle? 

Tax Credit Subsidizing

What tax credits are available to my business as we continue to expand? 

Banking Relationships

Will my current banking relationship(s) provide the opportunity to fund business growth?

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