Hello, Service Providers

Hello, Non-Profits

Regardless of your mission statement or entity type, we can deliver solutions that provide financial peace of mind to donors, supporters, and the Board of Directors.

  • Preparation and filing Form 990
  • State filing fundraising requirements assistance
  • Unrelated business income tax (UBIT)
  • Tax audit representation
  • Entity set-up and tax exempt status assistance
  • Private foundation tax analysis
  • Public support test calculations
  • Executive compensation analysis
  • Pension and employee benefits planning

  • Audited, reviewed, and compiled financial statement preparation
  • GAAP audits
  • Single audits under Federal guidelines
  • Compliance audits

  • Strategic business planning
  • Budgeting, cost allocation, and revenue analysis
  • Organization policy assistance review
  • Assistance developing internal controls and accounting procedure manuals

  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounts payable and accounts receivable
  • Monthly financial statements
  • Interim and permanent CFO and controller services
  • Accounting system set-up and conversion
  • Payroll processing
  • Donor letters
  • End of year procedures including 1099's
  • Chart of accounts set-up and review
Mike Wetmore, Partner, Co-founder, & CPA

Mike Wetmore, CPA

Co-founder, Partner

Tessa Lucero-Bennett, Senior Manager & CPA

Tessa Lucero-Bennett, CPA, MBA



Orkan Fatali, CPA


Talk With an Advisor

Let me say that, as usual, you did a whale of a job for us this year.   I basically don’t know where I’d be if I had to manage a fraction of these returns without you all advising and preparing the return.  I’ve worked with a lot of accountants over the years, and you all at the very top of the list, bar none.  I’ll continue to be looking  to refer you to clients who might be a good fit.”

— D. Baker, Attorney